Introduction: Becoming Better.

Cleveland Sunrise
Cleveland Sunrise – photo by Ed Yenni

This blog is a place to share thoughts and ideas as we continue in our pursuit of becoming better.  As many have said before me, in order to become better, we must first set goals.

My starting goals for this blog are as follows:

  1. Help others (especially those of my generation) realize and grow their potential in every aspect of life.
  2. Build a brand image for myself which extends beyond my “day job” and follows me throughout life.
  3. Become an effective teacher of personal growth so as to better crystallize the material in my habits.
  4. Establish motivation and accountability for myself, to establish and realize the ideal persona I seek to achieve.
  5. Create a platform by which to network with other self-educators and share ideas.
  6. Build momentum towards writing a book on the subject of personal growth.

Overall I am incredibly excited to find my voice through the world of blogging, and the only way to do that is to get started!  Looking forward to taking this journey with you 🙂